CE MATHS 2007 MC no.40 (15 points)
Maths paper2 MC no.40, 2007 Let f(x) be a polynomial. If f(x) is divisible by x-1 which of the following must be a factor of f(2x-1)? A. x B. x-3 C. 2x-1 D 2x+1 ans:A 可唔可以詳細解下點做? 唔該
這是一條 "陷阱" 題目, 看似簡單但容易錯. 07MC題解 (40) 在以下網頁 : 會考數學MC詳解 : http://www.takwing.idv.hk/studyroom/ce_maths/index.html 依個網主按年份逐題逐題解答, 真係好比心機, 你只要按年份再按題號, 便看到MC中文詳解, 希望幫到你la, 加油 圖片參考:http://tw.yimg.com/i/tw/ugc/rte/smiley_1.gif
I am not quite sure but are you sure that F(x)is divisible by x-1 not x+1? f(1)=0 So you have to find a number that, when substitue into 2x-1, will become 1. i.e. when x=1 so the answer should be x-1 which is not the answer so 退而求其次, I'll guess it'll be x because put x=0, you will have f(-1) That is the reason why I ask if it is x+1...