33 years old and still single
I am 33 female, never had a boy friend. I have always concentrated on school work while I was at school, and concentrated on work after I started work . Now I'm quite a senior person at work and and also older than almost everyone at work who are still single. I have failed in the past to... 顯示更多 I am 33 female, never had a boy friend. I have always concentrated on school work while I was at school, and concentrated on work after I started work . Now I'm quite a senior person at work and and also older than almost everyone at work who are still single. I have failed in the past to ask men younger than me even just to go for coffee/lunch. I must say my personality has a lot to do with it, but I am trying to change. And I don't have much other activities outside work, so very little opportunities to meet with people outside work. Anyhow, feeling depressed when surrounded by people married and have children and feel as though I'm missing something in life. May be I should give up asking men younger than me?
You are still young! Suppose you have a lifespan for 80. You have not run 50% of your life span. So don't be frustrated! Are you a teacher? It's normal that your age is higher if you are a senior staff in your work. You just have not enough friends to share your feelings, your happiness and your sadness. Try to join gatherings of your ex-classmates, ex-colleagues and friends. Get your chance on outside activities: hiking, swimming, travelling, etc. Open your mind and heart and you wil have a more challenging and encourging life. You do not need to force yourself to fall in love with younger men. Just enjoy yourself in the gathering and outside activites. One day you will find a talk-able man with similar favourites, hobbies, life targets. Don't get discouraged or give up and keep a burning heart to cherish for your future "prince".
第一步係要擴大自己的生活圈子, 我覺得想發展較穩定的感情, 最好由做朋友開始, 因為我身邊好多朋友都係因了解而分手, 當然也有成功的例子! 第二步係要在內外都打扮下自己, 平日淡妝或者塗下口紅做下facial, 會給人精神的感覺。 不要單注重外表, 內在都好重要, 由其開朗及笑容, 自然就會散發出自己個人的魅力和光彩 就可以吸引到別人的目光! 記得不要愁眉苦面, 烏雲密佈的樣子, 如果唔係不論男女見到你都走!|||||你是可以找到好多活動是可以認識多一些人. 如參加旅行團/宗教活動/上一些course(你有興趣的) 個人意見 外表是一定對找對象有影響, 不過不是一定的. 我認識好多人, 樣真的是幾一般, 不過personality是好開心/一同相處是比較開心. 都可以找到對象 找比你大/細的不是問題所在, 問題是你要找什麼類型的對象. 而且性格/人品/愛好都是有影響的. 我估你上一次約(?)去lunch的可能外表OK, 不過一定是有一些內在attract你. 希望可以對你有用~~|||||'33 female, never had a boy friend'' :-( It's impossible....! Whatever, some guys could chase you or make fds with you at school or even other places... If you have enough fds, you can ask them refer some guys to you .... Or you can also join some events to make fds ... e.g. parties, dating activities, ...etc... or even 婚姻介紹所... My Name is Charles.... we can be friends and keep contact... MSN / FB / Email; thankyou123@hotmail.com|||||about this question ===> "May be I should give up asking men younger than me? " about that, i think you should ask urself, but what i think is it doesnt really matter is that guy younger than you or older than you, it only depends on if you like/love them or not so if you like/love somebody, go for it~ even if it doesnt work out, you two could still be friends and you can find another one|||||maybe u send some photo to me first~" i want to know the problem is from yr personality or yr look...