what is "ac "?
what is "ac "?
ac=帳號 pc=密碼 2011-01-04 22:12:47 補充: pw no pc sorry
你所 指的"ac",是不是electricity的alternating current呢?如果是的話,請參考下面的一段英文: The supply of current for electrical devices may come from a direct current source (DC), or an alternating current source(AC). In direct current electricity, electrons flow continuously in one direction from the source of power through a conductor to a load and back to the source of power. The voltage indirect current remains constant. DC power sources include batteries and DC generators. In alternating current an AC generator is used to make electrons flow first in one directionthen in another. Another name for an AC generator is analternator. The AC generator reverses terminal polarity manytimes a second. Electrons will flow through a conductor from the negative terminal to the positive terminal, first in onedirection then another.|||||"ac"就即係帳號咁解~ 所以你會係d遊戲度聽到呢個英文~ (唔知係唔係帳號+密碼)|||||你係d咩野道出現個"ac"先?