

改善英文行動 41. 希望大家盡力幫忙


希望大家盡力指出我錯處狠心批改,不必留情.並且希望說明錯的原因感謝Would you prefer to work in an office or outdoors? I would rather work in an office than outdoors. As everyone knows, people who work in an office have 2 regular holidays in each week nowadays. So they have enough time to relax from the pressured jobs and then... 顯示更多 希望大家盡力指出我錯處 狠心批改,不必留情. 並且希望說明錯的原因 感謝 Would you prefer to work in an office or outdoors? I would rather work in an office than outdoors. As everyone knows, people who work in an office have 2 regular holidays in each week nowadays. So they have enough time to relax from the pressured jobs and then they can work effective next week. At the same time, people who work in outdoors just have a unregular holiday in each week. Also, an office provides me a good environment to work, so I don't need to consider the weather outside. For example, it is rainning but I am not care about because I work in the office; while those employees who work in outdoors are wetted by rain and get sick. At the end, there are a lot of air pollution in outdoors, and those air pollute will make people have respiratory diseases easily; indeed having cancer. But I am not afraid of because it has many air-conditioners in an office in order to remaind ventilation. As a result, I prefer to work in an office to outdoors. 更新: 問001: 1. while 唔係可以當作 conjunction 解 "然而" ? 2. It is because I work indoors and will never get wet 我老話 it is because 係錯解用法.... 3. 我睇左本英文書話 there + to be + noun = It + to have +noun


我一句句幫你改, ㊣係正確?句子 Would you prefer to work in an office or outdoors? ㊣ I would rather work in an office than outdoors. ㊣ As everyone knows, people who work in an office have 2 regular holidays in each week nowadays. 改正: in each week 唔需要有個 in So they have enough time to relax from the pressured jobs and then they can work effective next week. 改正一: relax 後面用from 我覺得唔係太適合, 我建議用 after 會好D 改正二: the pressured jobs 呢度個the 改做 their 會好D 改正三: pressured?意思係---感受壓力的, 係用黎形容人受到壓力, 一份工作係無可能感受壓力?, 所以用法唔正確. 我建議你用其他形容份工好辛苦?字 e.g. tough, hard 改正四: job 係指一份工, 改做work 有做工作?意思, 會更好 改正五: work effectivie 個 effective 用錯. effective 係 adjective. 係呢度係要用adverb黎形容 work呢個verb. 所以要改做effectively At the same time, people who work in outdoors just have a unregular holiday in each week. 改正一: work in outdoors 唔應該有個in 字, 因為你唔會講---係戶外裏面工作, 如果你咁寫, 又in又out 咁係裏面定出面?? 令人混淆. 改正二: regular?相反詞係 irregular, 而唔係 unregular; 所以個a 都要轉做 an, 由於係irregular?字頭係 vowel sound 改正三: in each week 唔需要有個 in Also, an office provides me a good environment to work, so I don't need to consider the weather outside. 改正一: provides 後面要跟著 with. 所以要改做 provides me with 改正二: need not 會好過用don't need, 改正三: consider?意思係--考慮. 係句子?意思就係--考慮天氣. 天氣係無得考慮?, 所以就有邏輯上?問題. 因此, 我覺得你應該改用worry about 係--I need not worry about the weather outside (我唔需要擔心出面?天氣) For example, it is rainning but I am not care about because I work in the office; while those employees who work in outdoors are wetted by rain and get sick. 改正一: rainning 串錯字, 係無double n?, 應該係 raining 改正二: I am not care about 唔應該用 am not, 而係用do not 改正三: I do not care about 後面要加番個it(因為你要講清楚你唔care about D咩野), 或者唔要個about, 改作 I do not care. 改正四: I do not care about it 後面就加個full stop, 完左個句子. 因為你一句裏面有but 又有 because 咁多個 conjunctions 唔係咁好 改正五: because I work in the office 可以改好D -- It is because I work indoors and will never get wet. (咁就唔駛成日講in the office 咁死板) (待續...) 2008-07-17 16:27:23 補充: 改正六: 呢度唔適合用while, 因為同上面個句(It is because I work indoors and...) 已經係無關系. 所以應開新句, 開頭用However,... 改正七: 同樣地, work in outdoors 唔應該有個in 字 改正八: wetted by rain 個度 rain前面要加the. 因為係指定左係個D雨. 改正九: get sick 好似無咁好, 因為唔係個個工人都會得到病. 你講得太general 啦. 我建議用 they will get sick easily. (待續...) 2008-07-17 16:28:13 補充: At the end, there are a lot of air pollution in outdoors, and those air pollute will make people have respiratory diseases easily; indeed having cancer. 改正一: At the end用得唔正確. 你係想講--最後,... 但係英文唔應該咁講. 可以改做除此之外/另外?意思 , e.g. Moreover, Besides, furthermore... (待續...) 2008-07-17 16:28:37 補充: 改正二: pollution 係 uncountable noun. 所以前面應該用 is 而唔係 are. 係 there is a lot of air pollution... 改正三: 同樣地, in outdoors 唔應該有個in 字 改正四: air pollute 個 pollute 係 verb. 如果想講空氣?污染物就要用 air pollutants (待續...) 2008-07-17 16:29:10 補充: 改正五: make people have respiratory diseases easily 改做 cause people to have respiratory diseases easily會好D. Make people have 好似有D中文譯過黎?感覺.. 改正六: 用indeed 好似無咁好. 我建議用最簡單? even 就可以表達你?意思. 即係: (開新句) They may even get a cancer. (待續...) 2008-07-17 16:29:52 補充: But I am not afraid of because it has many air-conditioners in an office in order to remaind ventilation. 改正一: 呢句你咁樣開頭?話, 人地會以為你話: 但係我地唔驚D air pollutants outdoors, 以為你係呼應番前面個句. 所以你要清楚表明--如果我係office工作?話, 我就唔會驚D air pollutants 啦 (待續...) 2008-07-17 16:30:05 補充: 即改作: But if I work in an office, I will not be afraid of the air pollutants... 改正二: because 可以換做 as/ since, 唔駛成日用because 咁死板 改正三: it has many air-conditioners 係錯?grammar. 唔可以咁樣照中文譯做英文. 你咁講就變左個office 擁有好多部冷氣機, 係錯?!!! 應改做...there are many air-conditioners 2008-07-17 16:30:20 補充: 改正四: in an office 應該要刪左去, 因為 there are 已經有表達左--有好多冷氣機係個office度?意思 改正五: in order to remain ventilation呢度就可以改一改(因為前面?句子改左) 唔係?話唔唔通順. 應改做: ...which remain(你個remaind係串錯字) good ventilation in the room. 2008-07-17 16:30:35 補充: *即成句為: But if I work in an office, I will not be afraid of the air pollutants as there are many air-conditioners which remain good ventilation in the room. 2008-07-17 16:31:02 補充: As a result, I prefer to work in an office to outdoors. ㊣ 2008-07-17 16:31:34 補充: 為方便你, 全文為: Would you prefer to work in an office or outdoors? I would rather work in an office than outdoors. As everyone knows, people who work in an office have 2 regular holidays each week nowadays. 2008-07-17 16:31:54 補充: So they have enough time to relax after their tough work and then they can work effectively next week. At the same time, people who work outdoors just have an irregular holiday each week. Also, an office provides me with a good environment to work, so I need not worry about the weather outside. 2008-07-17 16:32:08 補充: For example, it is raining but I do not care about it. It is because I work indoors and will never get wet. However, those employees who work outdoors are wetted by the rain and they may get sick easily. 2008-07-17 16:32:29 補充: Moreover, there is a lot of air pollution outdoors, and those air pollutants will cause people to have respiratory diseases easily. They may even get a cancer. 2008-07-17 16:32:41 補充: But if I work in an office, I will not be afraid of the air pollutants as there are many air-conditioners which remain good ventilation in the room. As a result, I prefer to work in an office to outdoors. 2008-07-17 16:32:56 補充: ~全文完~ 2008-07-19 11:44:12 補充: 1. while 唔係可以當作 conjunction 解 "然而" ? 都可以, 但係我覺得你呢句: For example, it is rainning but I am not care about because I work in the office; while those employees who work... 有太多?conjunctions, 有but, because, while, 會令到個句子無咁通順. 所以我認為要將整句分開. 我?建議就係: because I...個度開新一句. 所以如果咁改?話, 後面個句就唔可以用while 開始啦. 2008-07-19 11:44:35 補充: 不過如果你唔想分開個句子. 我諗For example, it is rainning but I do not care because I work in the office. 咁樣都得, 但while those...呢句就最好開新句啦. 因此就要改做However啦. 2008-07-19 11:49:15 補充: 2. It is because I work indoors and will never get wet 我老話 it is because 係錯解用法.... 呢個問題我唔係好清楚, sorry. 因為D老師係其他科e.g. History, Geography好多都建議我地用It is because開頭. 如果你老師話It is because係錯?話, 就唔好用啦. (to be continued..) 2008-07-19 11:49:24 補充: 咁我諗你寫For example, it is raining but I do not care because I work indoors and will never get wet. However, those employees who work outdoors are wetted by the rain and they may get sick easily. 就會好D 2008-07-19 12:00:21 補充: 3. 我睇左本英文書話 there + to be + noun = It + to have +noun 我唔清楚你本英文書點解會咁講, 可能佢講緊另外一D情況. 我學到?就係咁: There are many air-conditioners. 係解--個度有好多部冷氣機, 但係如果你講It has many air-conditioners in an office個解釋就會變左--個office 擁有好多部冷氣機, 試問一樣死物點可能可以擁有一D野呢? 但係人就唔同, e.g. He has many books就係佢擁有好多書, 所以呢一句就係正確?. 2008-07-19 12:01:16 補充: 雖然我唔係全部野都好清楚, 但都希望我答到你?問題





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