




英文翻譯句子「我將會於2013年10月10日已經到達60年齡退休,正式離開公司。」這句的主要動詞句是「將會正式離開公司(shall officially leave the company」,「已經到達60年齡退休(having reached the retirement age of 60」是解釋的詞句。所以全句我會翻成: Having reached the retirement age of 60, I shall officially leave the company on October 10 2013. 2013-06-02 11:12:51 補充: 下面寫法更清楚退休和離職是同一天的。 Having reached the retirement age of 60 on October 10 2013, I shall officially leave the company on that date. .





! will leave my company on 10th October 2013. It is because I will be in the retirement age.|||||Don't be confused by the Chinese text 將會,已經. The use of future perfect tense is not appropriate for this sentence. 2013-06-03 00:04:29 補充: Example: By the end of the week, we will have collected enough signatures to support our petition. But the man cannot reach 60 earlier than 2013-10-10. He will be 60 on 2013-10-10. 2013-06-03 00:12:21 補充: The sentence "The man will have reached 60 by 2013-10-10" implies that it is possible the man may reach 60 earlier. It is absurd.|||||I will be on October 10, 2013 has reached the retirement age of 60, officially left the company.|||||I will reach the retirement age (60 years old) on 10 October 2013, and leave the company.|||||I will be on October 10, 2013 has reached the retirement age of 60, officially left the company.|||||I will be reaching retirement age on 10/10 this year and will officially leave the Office by then.|||||I'm going to be 60 years old on October 10th 2013 then I'll be retired officially and left the company.|||||I will retire when I turn 60 on October 10th,2013, and will leave the company officially by then.|||||I will have reached the retirement ago of 60 in 10th October 2013, and will offically leave the company by then. 2013-06-02 00:42:17 補充: ** 打錯字 retirement ago 應為 retirement age 以 "I" 為 subject 應用 future perfect tense --> will have reached 第一個答題者用的是被動式,即已 60 歲為 subject 時用: The retirement age of 60 will have been reached in 10th October 2013, and I will offically leave the company by then. 2013-06-02 00:42:23 補充: 第二句其實有點不清楚,但我假設你是在寫信通知公司你滿退休年齡後,將會離開公司吧。那就應該用我的寫法,用 future tense。 如果你是向第三者說十月十日後你已滿退休年齡,及已離開公司,就應如第一句一樣,用 future perfect tense: I will have reached the retirement age of 60 in 10th October 2013, and I will have offically left the company by then.

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