國際警察協會(International Police Association)是一個國際性警務人員的交流組織,在1950年成立,現時在全球62個國家/地區擁有大約30萬名會員。 在香港而言,凡所有在職或退休的警察或輔警都可以申請參加,但必需經過委員會批准,現時香港有超過600名IPA會員。你可參考以下協會的網頁。 http://en.ipa-iac.org/en_join.htm http://www.ipa-hksar.com/
The International Police Association is an independent body made up of members of the police service, whether on active duty or retired, and without distinction as to rank, sex, race, colour, language or religion. Its purpose is to create bonds of friendship and to promote international co-operation. 圖片參考:http://images.ipa-iac.org/ipa-coins.jpg Limited edition Arthur Troop Coin It is committed to the principles set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as adopted by the United Nations in 1948. Its aims include the development of cultural relations amongst its members, a broadening of their general knowledge, and an exchange of professional experience; in addition, it seeks to foster mutual help in the social sphere and to contribute, within the limits of its possibilities, to peaceful co-existence between peoples and to the preservation of world peace. How do I join ? To become a member, using the pop-up menu, go to the ational Sections ? Email and Internet?page of this site (or click here). If your country is listed, simply click on the e-mail address and request information about joining. Please include you name, address and police service status. If your country does not show an e-mail address, or you experience other connection difficulties, then please send your message to membership@ipa-iac.org to receive alternative contact information. If your country is not listed, this means the IPA does not have a Section in your country. However, you may be able to join as a oreign Associate Member?of an existing Section. Here you have a choice. You may apply to any country from the list on the ational Sections ?Email and Internet?page or you can e-mail membership@ipa-iac.org for details of a suitable Section, contact details and membership fees. Undecided, then please e-mail membership@ipa-iac.org with any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you! HY