
F.1 數學問題 急急急


1. The cost of of a book is $40.it is now sold at a profir percentage of 150%.(a)find the amount of profit.ANS: 2. (b)Find the selling price of the book.ANS: 3. 25是125的百分之幾?A15% B20% c30% d500%ANS: 4. $60的2.5%是多少?ANS: 5. Last year, there was 12staff in a department.this year,the number of staff has... 顯示更多 1. The cost of of a book is $40.it is now sold at a profir percentage of 150%. (a)find the amount of profit. ANS: 2. (b)Find the selling price of the book. ANS: 3. 25是125的百分之幾? A15% B20% c30% d500% ANS: 4. $60的2.5%是多少? ANS: 5. Last year, there was 12staff in a department.this year,the number of staff has decreased by 25%.Find the number of staff remaining in the department. ANS: 6. Mary's daily expenses have increased from $40 to $64.Find the percentage increase in the daily expenses. ANS: 7. Mr.Wong sold a vase for $175.Find the cose of the vase if he makes a profit percentage of 40%. ANS: 8. 小明以24%的折扣百分數購買1條裙子,節省了$108.求裙子的售價。 A .132 B. 225 C. 342 D. 450 ANS: 9. If the length of each side of a square decreases bu 10%,find the percentage change in the area of the square. A -10% B-19% C+10% D+20% ANS: 10. Tom sold 2books whick cost $100 each.For the first book,he made a profit of 25%.For the second book,he lost20%.Altogether A. he gainde 2.5% B. he gainde 5% C. he lost2.5% D. he lost 5% ANS:





1. (a)the amount of profit = $40 x 150% = $40x 1.5 = $60 ANS: $60 2. (b) Selling price = cost + profit = $40 + $60 = $100 ANS: $100 3. 25/125 x100% = 20% ANS: B20% 4. $60 x2.5% = $60 x 0.025 = $1.50 ANS: $1.50 5. 12 staff x (100% - 25%) = 12 staff x 75% = 12 x 0.75 =9 staff ANS: 9 staff 6. Increase = $64 - $40 = $24 % increase = $24/$40 x 100% = 60% ANS: percentage increase = 60% 7. the cost of the vase = $175/140 x 100 = $125 ANS: the cost of the vase = $125 8. 裙子的售價= $108/24 x 100 = $450 ANS: D. 450 9. suppose the side of square is originally10 units, the are = 10 x 10 = 100 sq. unit the side of new square 9 units if decrease by 10%, the new area = 9 x 9 = 81 sq. unit change in the area of the square = 81 – 100 = - 19 sq.unit. percentage change = -19/100 x 100% = -19% ANS: B-19% 10. profit of first book = $100 x 25% = $100 x 0.25 = $25 loss of second book = $100 x -20% = $100 x -0.20 = -$20 Altogether, profit = profit of first book - loss of second book = $25 - $20 = $5 % of profit = $5/$200 x 100% = 2.5% ANS: A. he gained 2.5%


1.The amount of profit is: 40 x 150% -40 =60 - 40 =$202.The selling price of the book is: 40 + 20 =$60 3.B 4. $60的2.5%是: 60 x 2.5% =60 x 0.025 =1.5 2012-01-20 11:06:50 補充: 5.The number of staff remaining in the department is: 12×(1-25%) =12 x 75% =12 x 0.75 =9 6.The percentage increase in the daily expenses is: (64-40)÷100% =24÷100% =0.24 =24% 2012-01-20 11:07:08 補充: 7. The cose of the vase if he makes a profit percentage of 40% is: 175 x (1+40%) =175 x 140% =175x 1.4 =$245 8.D 9.C 10.B|||||1)40×150%=$60 2)40×(1+150%) 3)B 4)60×2.5% 5)12×(1-25%) 6)(64-40)÷40 7)175÷(1+40%) 8)D 9)C 10) sorry,I don't know hope i can help u!!!!

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