我所止既電子玻璃係按一下鍵就睇唔到出面那種,好似酒店洗手間個d咁 請問現在有冇ed產品?
係有嘅. 超級豪華房車 Maybach 就有一個配備叫做 Electro-Transparent Panoramic Roof, 個天窗可以調較透明同唔透明. "One of the most spectacular innovations is the panoramic glass roof for the Maybach 62. It consists of a glass surface which appears to be continuous when viewed from the exterior, extending from the windshield to the rear window. The front section of the roof is equipped with solar cells, while a second, electrotransparent panel is installed under the exterior glass roof above the rear-seat area. This panel, which admits an exceptionally high level of daylight to the interior, can be rendered opaque in an instant at the touch of a button. Transparency is restored in the same way. An electrically operated sliding roof liner situated between the inner and outer roof panels functions as a blind and becomes luminescent when an electrical current is applied to it. A dimming control in the rear center console allows the light intensity to be adjusted. " http://www.maybachusa.com/62/maybach-62-features.php http://www.maybach-uk.com/models_interior_panoramic_1.php 圖片參考:http://www.maybach-uk.com/graphics/maybach_models/interior/panoramic_roof_01.jpg
冇, 因為是違法的. 所有好似over 70% 啡度就已經犯法