



一條數學 急用20分


a card is randomly taken from a full pack of 52 playing cards to check whether it is diamond or not . it is then put back to the pack. a second card is taken and checked again whether it is diamond or not.(a) use a tree diagram to show the probabilities of getting diamond.(b)Find the probabilities... 顯示更多 a card is randomly taken from a full pack of 52 playing cards to check whether it is diamond or not . it is then put back to the pack. a second card is taken and checked again whether it is diamond or not. (a) use a tree diagram to show the probabilities of getting diamond. (b)Find the probabilities of getting (i) both cards are diamonds (ii) one of the cards is a diamond (iii) at least one card is a diamond


a) 1st card /\ / \ ? ??? 13/52 = 1/4 39/52 = 3/4 /\ /\ / \/ \ ? ??? ? ??? ...... 2nd card 1/4 3/41/4 3/4 bi) P(both cards are diamonds) = 1/4 × 1/4 = 1/16 bii) P(one of the cards is a diamond) = 1/4 × 3/4 + 3/4 × 1/4 = 3/8 biii) P(at least one card is a diamond) = 1 - P(2 cards are not ? ) = 1 - 3/4 × 3/4 = 7/16 2015-03-29 22:28:26 補充: 1(a)是一幅樹形圖,表示了抽2張牌的所有可能情形。 上層表示第一張牌是? 的概率 = 13/52 = 1/4 及 第一張牌不是 ? (即是?或?或?)的概率 = 39/52 = 3/4。 底層左方兩路徑分別表示第一張牌是?後再抽第2張得到?或不是?的各自概率。 底層右方兩路徑分別表示第一張牌不是?後再抽第2張得到?或不是?的各自概率。 利用此圖可很直觀地得到part (b)的計算。



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