



runescape help! (40分)


我俾人殺?,我想要一個免費的runescape的account,十幾lv和有咩野都得 , send個account資料去chimhokit@yahoo.com.hk,即送(40分)


好心你望下rule 5啦--Account sharing/trading 你如果有人俾acc你,你佢同你都會被report! 關於Ban offence 如果你acc有10個blackmark(俾人report咗你10次),你就要同你acc講再見! 如果你acc俾人report咗,但係你根本沒有break rules,你可以上訴。 2007-05-24 11:44:10 補充: 你死咗,有啲乜唔見咗,但係你賺番啲錢就可以買番囉!最多我俾你一啲錢啦。Acc:Shhhoi 2007-06-05 17:54:24 補充: Account sharing/trading:當你喺到買賣accounts,你就等於break rules。Die and lost things:你如果頭上有skull,你inventory裏面所有乜都會唔見(有prayer protect item會有1樣留)冇skull就有3樣(用protect item留4樣)。


Sorry, I do not think you need a NEW account because WE could not give our account to anybody. I can give you 500 coins ok? Dont be SAD.|||||username:connanchan password:coooonn lv:6/13|||||Dont be frightened.U can still earn money and get all the staff (u lost) If u get a acc(not a lv3),it is not fair Although ur friend give u,u know how to play a not-ur-own acc? I have died a lot of times.it doesnt matter. i lost full rune,1000more addy arrow.......i dont need a new acc BUT......If ur friend share an acc with u. U break the runescape rule(account sharing/trading) 有人report 你 你個acc有blackmark 有十個blackmark...ur acc will BYE BYE DIE後,earn money.這樣可以拿回所有staff 不知how to earn money? 在yahoo search Global Runescape Guide|||||If you were die from something, your account won't be banned... You will just lost some of your items. You will be end up in lum(the place you start runescape) and you can keep using it. I am a lv.69 runescape player and I am becoming a member today!|||||DO not do this, or Jagex staff will delete or freeze your account! One rule it says, "No Account sharing or trade!"|||||Dont be scared. I dont think you need a neaw acc. My account have been killed for dozens times, but I still use it. Dying is nothing, you just lost the things in your inventory, you can use the stuff you but in your bank! Bank is a good place for you to prevent losing. You are killed, but no drain skill will happen, and it is a step for nearly every runescape player, nearly every runescape player have died before. Extra stuff for preventing being killed. 1. Dont go to the wildness ( especially crowed world, you will die in a minute) 2. For monsters, run if a monster higher than your level attacks you. (immediately, the moster wont chase you for a long time) These are the ideas for you. 2007-05-28 19:13:46 補充: Also, getting a account from other people offend the rule of runescape, see www.runescape.com for details.|||||其實你俾Runescape嘅人殺都唔會降Lvl.( 打吸lvl.龍除外 ) 唔洗要個新account喔! 還有這樣會破壞了Runescape 規則,會被人Delete喔!

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