
how to use 'lack'?


I would like to know how to use 'lack' this word in the sentence. Can somebody help me?





lack既意思係: vt.(通常不用被動態) 1. 缺少;沒有 I don't seem to lack anything. 我好像什麼也不缺。 2. 需要 vi. 1. 缺少;不足;沒有[(+for)] They lacked for nothing. 他們什麼都不缺少。 n. 1. 欠缺;不足;沒有[U][S1][(+of)] He can not buy it because of his lack of money. 他因缺錢買不起這個。 2. 缺少的東西;需要的東西[C] Water is a lack of this region. 這個地區缺水。


lack = 缺乏 eg. he is lack of confidence...(means not confident)|||||As an intransitive verb in the sense ?to be wanting or deficient,? lack is used chiefly in the present participle with in: 作为一个不及物动词,用于“缺乏或缺少”之意的 lack主要和in一起用于现在分词中: You will not be lacking in support from me.In the sense ?to be in need of something? it is often used with for: 你会得到我的帮助。当意思是“需要某物”时,它经常与for连用: ?In the terrible, beautiful age of my prime,/I lacked for sweet linen but never for time?(E.B. White). “在我可怕而又美丽的壮年岁月中,/我需要的是亚麻布而从来不是时间”(E.B.怀特) e.g. The lack of rain aggravated the serious lack of food. "由于干旱少雨,缺粮问题更加严重。" It was lack of current capital that defeated their business. "因为缺少流动资本,他们的企业才告失败。" Serious lack of circulating fund forced the closure of the company. 公司因缺严重乏流动资金而被迫关闭。

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