中二數學...急!!20點. 頻數多邊形:)
圖片參考:http://imgcld.yimg.com/8/n/HA07397813/o/701105200066013873441480.jpg If the passing mark is set to be 64.5,how many students will fail? ___If the passing mark is 64.5 ,find the percentage of students passed. ___If 54% of the students are to fail,what should be the passing mark?___If the passing mark... 顯示更多 圖片參考:http://imgcld.yimg.com/8/n/HA07397813/o/701105200066013873441480.jpg If the passing mark is set to be 64.5,how many students will fail? ___ If the passing mark is 64.5 ,find the percentage of students passed. ___ If 54% of the students are to fail,what should be the passing mark?___ If the passing mark is set to be 50.5,find the percentage of students passed the test. (中文:有幾多人合格) _____________________ 寫埋條識.and答案..thx:D 更新: http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7011052000686 呢個你識五識 ?刀系數學黎咖.. 4個鍾之後揀你做最佳回答... 五該晒^^ thanks;)
50個人 1.睇得唔係咁清楚,about 40 students 你係60.5-70.5之間的第四格畫條直線,遇到另一條線向橫睇就係答案 2. (50-(第一題答案))/50*100%=20% if 第一題答案=40 3.let x be the number of students that are fail. x/50*100%=54% x=27 打橫睇: 27果到畫橫線 遇到另一條線就打直落 大約係40.5 4.同第一,二條,都係對上去,有about36 students (50-36)/50*100%=28% 方法就係咁,我可能睇唔清楚而唔岩 你要自己變通 2011-05-20 17:46:58 補充: 第一題應該係41-42人到 所以就應該係(50-(41or42))/50*100%