
急急急!!!English tenses and stuff


1. 過去完成式其實係點用? d人話係過去某一刻完成了一件事情便是過去完成式, 正確嗎,還是還有其他解法?試用以下例子解釋。 2010 HKCEE reading(line5) He had told me it was big, but I hadn't realized he meant that big.還有, 點解上面哥句可以skip個 that??幾時可以skip ,幾時又唔可以??-- but i hadn't realized that he meant that big.2. comma 的問題: 點解我經常見到d人係 and 前面 及 whcih前面 都加個... 顯示更多 1. 過去完成式其實係點用? d人話係過去某一刻完成了一件事情便是過去完成式, 正確嗎,還是還有其他解法?試用以下例子解釋。 2010 HKCEE reading(line5) He had told me it was big, but I hadn't realized he meant that big. 還有, 點解上面哥句可以skip個 that??幾時可以skip ,幾時又唔可以?? -- but i hadn't realized that he meant that big. 2. comma 的問題: 點解我經常見到d人係 and 前面 及 whcih前面 都加個 comma??唔係不用加的嗎?? give examples eg1 candidates were provied with a Data file, which was comtained a advertisement, an eamil ....... eg2 This year's paper consisted of 54 items which were divided into 3 parts. 3. David says, reaching down to unlatch the doof of a wire cage labeled ''Mavrik''. comma 後面d野係咩黎(reaching = verb/adj?)點解可以甘寫?? 4. Although I dont speak Chinese, I recognize her voice the tone of maternal adoration that dog owners adopt when addressing their pets. ''her voice the tone of maternal adoration'' -- her voice the tone 點解可以甘樣係埋一齊?? 5. Invited the boy to swap his iPod to walkman , he was so annoyed (1) Inviting the boy to swap his iPod to walkwan , he was so annoyed (2) 有冇(1)e句句子?? 邊句先係正確???





1. 答:「一刻」這用詞不對!應該是當你記述過去某件事的發生(注意過去式動詞都是發生了)的情況是一個「完結了」的狀態便用「過去完成式」;或者先用現在完成式去構思:(過了一天後)記述一件現在完成式(當日是一件事剛好完成了或者是一件要經歷一段過程而完成了的事)的事,便寫成「過去完成式」;所以不是在「一刻」發生的事,而是一件要有點時間過程達至完成的事。 答:後面的that不是conjunction的that,而是that big(咁大件)的「咁」/「那麼」這個詞。你認為前子句應該是:He had told me (that) it was big, 那麼後子句應該是:but I hadn't realized (that) (what) he meant (was) "that big",而不是你想像中(或看錯了)的:but I hadn't realized he meant that (it was big). Skip了的不是that,而是(what)和(was);前後兩子句中的(that)在覝代英語中都是不必要的,因為這記述是直接的,除非你是引述另一人的記述說話,則必要that。 2. 答:據我了解實用英語的寫法,如果which後所說的內容是前段的主角/subject,就要加「,」,如果which所指的是解釋接上一個名詞的東西,則不用加「,」。所以我真懷疑eg1是否正確(除了文法有錯:was contained, a advertisement都是錯的文法,注意串錯很多個字provied, eamil),因為which後所列的是那data file內東西,而不是深入講解前面的主角/subject=candidates。eg2就跟我所認識的rule一致,which後面解釋的是那54items是分為三部份的。其實還有一個測試的是否要用「,」,把which(無論寫時有沒有「,」)轉為that,因為that連接是不能用「,」的,如果轉了that後全句仍講(解)得通,那麼which便不用「,」,但是如果那句改為that後前後文的解釋是不通的,意思解錯東西的話,即是指which是要加「,」。 引用這測試: Candidates were provided with a data file that contained an advertisment, an e-mail, ...當中that後句的意思是ad 和e-mail都contain在data file內,所以that可以取代which,因此用which應該不要加「,」。 This year's paper consisted of 54 items that were divided into 3 parts. 當中that後句的意思是54items were divided into 3 parts.所以用which應該不加「,」。 但是假如第二句是: This year's paper consisted of 54 items ... total 20 pages. 以that填入的話: This year's paper consisted of 54 items that total 20 pages. 當中that後句的意思便是54 items共有20頁,主體跟形容的內容不能說成合理的解釋,54樣東西(例如問題)跟頁數之間沒有主體跟解釋的關係,因此,用which的話應該是加「,」引導讀者把後句的解釋的內容在是說前句的主體,而不是which之前那一個字。 This year's paper consisted of 54 items, which total 20 pages. [經你審查後如果發現這規則或文法認知不對,請給我回覆以更正] 3. 我估David says,之前是他說話的"quote"?因為「,」後的句子是描述他說話其間的動作,所以一開始便用reaching down這動名詞phrase。reach down to unlatch the door...是彎下身去開門閂。 4. 答:你分錯句了。her voice是一個詞,the tone of maternal adoration是一組形容她的voice的附屬子句。當然這寫法我相信只會在小說類出現,因為是省去一些文法規則的,重點是透過形容的連貫讓讀者構想。 5. 答:(2)才正確。兩子句其實是前因後果或事發先後的關係,但重點動詞(句子表達的目的)只有一個,就是annoyed。這句子內容不是描述兩件同等或同時發生的記述。 2011-05-07 11:34:28 補充: present tense 的動詞所描述的動作是 - 當下一下子做(或沒有時限性)的動作 - eg i write a book 意思是「我寫一本書」這事實。但交代不了實際的情況。如果你幾個月前開始寫一本書,現在完成了,這動作是經過一段時間並且有結束的這刻。這種情況的行動便要寫成present perfect tense。 past的perfect tense只是把tense的詞改為past - eg have/has verb(ed) -> had verb(ed). present participle跟past participle這問題我提議你「上網問功課」節目。


我都唔係好明 past perfect tense.... 可唔可以再講多少少 另外, Q5 的participle 可唔可以舉例解釋一下 分為 主動+ing form // 被動+ed form 開頭 // Having been...... form|||||1. 這應該是正確的. He had told me it was big, but I hadn't realized he meant that big. 意思系: 佢曾經說過那很大, 但我不知道他的意思是如此大. 個that吾系skip吾skip,而系解作"如此"吾系代個個"it" "佢話過個樣野好大,但我吾知道佢意思系甘大!" 可能口語易明少少. 2. 因為relative clause既問題.relative clauses有細分defining同non-defining, 意思系如果前面個個noun系比到人足夠資料/令人明白個樣野系乜既話,佢之後既relative clause就系non-defining,個relative clause之後講既野就系額外比人既資料.相反亦然. 以下面個個eg解釋比你聽^^ eg1 candidates were provided with a Data file, which was contained a advertisement, an email ....... 拿,data file我地知道佢系D乜野,所以後面既"contained a advertisement, an email ......."系額外關於data file既資料話你知,所以就會系which前面加comma,系個non-defining clause. eg2 This year's paper consisted of 54 items which were divided into 3 parts. 拿, items,就甘講我地點知items系指乜野?所以後面"divided into 3 parts."系幫助我地知道"items"系乜, 所以佢系一個defining clause,系比重要既資料你知,所以系defining clause,吾使add comma. 3.3. David says, reaching down to unlatch the doof of a wire cage labeled ''Mavrik''. comma 後面d野係咩黎(reaching = verb/adj?)點解可以甘寫?? 因為佢話David says, 所以後面既野系david既說話, 一句句子系可以由一個verb+ing開頭既, 所以系冇問題的. 再講,reaching當然系一個verb. 4. ''her voice the tone of maternal adoration'' -- her voice the tone 點解可以甘樣係埋一齊?? 吾識bor,系咪打錯左:P 5.5. Invited the boy to swap his iPod to walkman , he was so annoyed (1) Inviting the boy to swap his iPod to walkwan , he was so annoyed (2) 有冇(1)e句句子?? 邊句先係正確??? 我吾sure有冇(1),但就應該系(2)先岩. 因為participle phrases.
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