美國cc placement test一問
我8月中就要去美國個邊既CC做ORIENTATION要考ESL, MATHS 我想讀NUTRITION又要考CHEM 我係香港係讀文科既 F3之後就冇理過我D SCIENCE MATHS佢話會考CALCULUS OR ALGEBRA 係咪我可以選擇考ALGEBRA定CALCULUS CHEM個度宜家要點做 又唔知個範圍 自己讀又唔係搵補習又唔知點同佢講 THX
If I am correct, you are going to San Francisco Bay Area to study (as I recall a stupid college make their students to take a placement test for chemistry). In a simple way to explain, if you have no issues with HKCEE English Language (Syllabus B) and Mathematics. You should be fine with the placement tests. For the chemistry one, I will suggest you take it next time (as I seriously doubt that you can enroll in this semester). Make it easier for yourself. Enroll some simple classes to get used to the new environment.
希望可助你,您要努力加油呀! 我親自補習.ESL, MATHS OK! 我香港大學教育學院,中文大學電腦,商業雙碩士.可提供學歷證明. 數理科.英語會考及高考A級. 現任英語及數理科教師.10多年補習經驗.熟識三三四學制. 誠意親自為全港各區中小學生及成人作優質上門或小組補習,價廉. 下列小組由我親自主理: 中英數專科,理,商科會考高考小組. 另提供補習服務: 球類,游泳訓練/教授鋼琴/各種外語/電腦 如有任何查詢,請致電6886 9468|||||placement exam is to test the student ablity and decide which class level may fit them. in the exam, they tested gerenal F4, F5, F6 math. and reading, writing in English. all you need now is backward review the old books.