
Plz Intro. the musicwork --Haydn Sonate in Es HobokenXVI:49





I want to know the detail of the Haydn Sonate in Es HobokenXVI:49 who can introduce it for me? 更新: That is urgent!!! plz!!! I need more information!!!!


The Sonata in E flat major, XVI: 49 in the Hoboken listing of Haydn’s works, was dedicated to Anna von Gerlischek, a housekeeper in the service of the Esterházys, who later married the Esterháza violinist Johann Tost, a man whose later business dealings with Haydn have raised various questions. The sonata was in fact intended for Maria Anna von Genzinger, wife of the ennobled physician to Prince Nikolaus and a gifted player, with whom Haydn carried on a playfully teasing correspondence. In a letter dated 20th June 1790 he tells her he has sent her his brand new E flat Sonata, although it is not entirely new; in fact only the Adagio is new, and he expresses a wish to play the sonata to her himself, something that would make his absence from Vienna more tolerable. Mademoiselle Nanette, Anna von Gerlishchek, is not to know that the work she has commissioned for Frau von Genzinger was already half completed. In a letter written a week later Haydn tells Frau von Genzinger that he has played the sonata at Mademoiselle Nanette’s in the presence of the Prince and was rewarded by her giving him the present of a gold tobacco-box. Later problems arose over a pirated edition of the sonata, attributed by Haydn to the activities of an unscrupulous copyist. The opening figure of the first movement assumes importance as the work progresses, with a four note figure near the end of the exposition leading, in the central development section, to a brief cadenza before the final recapitulation. The B flat Adagio is a movement of particular beauty. The final Tempo di Minuet includes a version of the principal theme in the key of E flat minor, before the re-establishment of the original key brings the sonata to an end.


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