





A B and C are three points on the level ground.Bis due north of A and the bearing of C from A and B are 011deree and 064degree respectively.The distance bstween A and C is 150m.A flagstaff TB of length 20M stands at B.Calculatea) the distance Bc and AB,b) the angles of elevations of T from A and C.show... 顯示更多 A B and C are three points on the level ground.Bis due north of A and the bearing of C from A and B are 011deree and 064degree respectively.The distance bstween A and C is 150m.A flagstaff TB of length 20M stands at B. Calculate a) the distance Bc and AB, b) the angles of elevations of T from A and C. show the steps clearly


(a) With reference to the diagram below: 圖片參考:http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo325/loyitak1990/Apr09/Crazy3D1.jpg Consider △ABC, we have ∠CBA = 116 and ∠ACB = 53 So by sine law: BC/sin 11 = 150/sin116 BC = 31.8 m AB/sin 53 = 150/sin116 AB = 133.3 m (b) tan ∠TAB = 20/133.3 ∠TAB = 8.54 which is the angle of elevation of T from A tan ∠TCB = 20/31.8 ∠TCB = 32.2 which is the angle of elevation of T from C


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