我係今年會考生,前幾日睇左ef 個exchange student 個章程 好有興趣,想問下係咪如果交左表又有位 就一定得架??定係interview決定你有冇得去 而且佢個price之外,大約會用多呢?? 有冇跟ef去過us既人可以比d意見呀? 我想報us個個plan呀~
我而家都係o係美國 exchange 緊... 要 interview o架...不過如果你學校成績係 ok o既...就應該無問題... 因為你俾o既錢已經包括學費 (public school) 同住宿 (homestay)... 所以你另外要洗o既錢並唔多...只係你自己平是出街買o野要錢... 或者交通費 (不過通常你 homestay o既 daddy mammy 都會開車送你返學 or 買架 bike 俾你) 你一於跟 ef 去啦...佢o地有經驗...幾好o架... 去一年包你英文進步超多同買見識到好多o野...學到好多... 祝你成功!
The EFS program might improve your English skills, especially spoken English. And you have the chances to develope your interpersonal skills. You will need to attend an interview to assess your suitability. If your program is offered by EFS, most expenses are covered by the EFS and your host family, including some basic medical insurance. It is a quite a good experience to live in the USA and get together with your host family there, since most of time you will live in a sub-urban area. However, be aware that the academic standards are far lower than what you will have in Hong Kong, e.g. mathematics. You might find problems to continue your studies in local educational establishments for places in form 6 &7 when you come back to Hong Kong.